Youth Vape Prevention TEST

Youth Vape Prevention

Youth Vape Prevention

Currently, over 2.5 million middle and high school students in the U.S. use vape (e-cigarette) products. More than 1 in 4 students use vape products every day. Further research shows that over half of youth (currently using vape products) have stated they want to quit, while 33% of youth who currently vape have already tried to quit vaping (at least once) in the last year.

We all strive to keep the youth we care for in our lives and in our communities safe, healthy, and happy. One of the best ways to protect our youth against the dangers of vaping and addiction is through evidence-based preventive education.

CATCH My Breath – A free evidence-based youth vaping prevention program currently being provided by Southwest District Health. The CATCH My Breath program consists of four sessions that are 40-45 minutes in length and tailored to student grade level (5th, 6th, 7th-8th, and 9th-12th).

INDEPTH – A free youth nicotine dependence intervention program from the American Lung Association. INDEPTH serves as an alternative to suspension or citation that helps schools and communities address teen vaping in a more supportive way. The program consists of four sessions, each session is 50 minutes in length.

NOT: Not On Tobacco – Teen-focused vaping/nicotine cessation program The voluntary course contains ten, 50-minute sessions. It is most effective in a small group format (6-10 participants) that emphasizes teamwork. The easy-to-use method helps teens quit by addressing total health to develop and maintain positive behaviors.

Program Scheduling Options (CATCH My Breath)

Option 1: Southwest District Health provides a health educator to come out to the school and teach 4 sessions of CMB in the classroom.
Note: option 1 sessions can be scheduled to have the educator out to teach once a week over 4-weeks – OR – twice a week over 2-weeks.

Option 2: Southwest District Health trains school staff (teachers, school nurses, SROs, counselors, etc.) to provide CATCH My Breath to students.

Note: option 2 includes full access to the CATCH My Breath curriculum, materials, trainings, and other resources provided by the CATCH Global Foundation.