Tobacco and Vape Prevention and Control
The use of tobacco products is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. The Tobacco Prevention and Control program at Southwest District Health works to build community partnerships and focuses on activities to reduce youth initiation, reduce exposure to secondhand smoke, and promote quitting. You can find information on services provided by Southwest District Health below.
Free Quit Nicotine Classes
Quitting nicotine is the single best thing you can do for your health. Southwest District Health offers FREE classes to help individuals stop smoking, chewing, and vaping.
Adult cessation (help quitting nicotine) classes in-person or virtually. Offered in group or 1-1 sessions. Free nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum, and lozenges) available for individuals enrolled in a SWDH cessation class.
Youth cessation classes with an emphasis on quitting e-cigarettes/vaping. Also offered in-person or virtually in a group or 1-1 setting.
Diaper & wipe program for pregnant families to help them quit nicotine and stay quit for increased overall family health. Families receive up to 12 months of free diapers and wipes for completing a cessation program and quitting nicotine.
Free Phone and Online Coaching through the Idaho State Quitline
Project Filter also offers free quit coaching over the phone with additional online support through email and chat. These services offer counseling and support with an experienced coach to help you create a quit plan. A FREE eight-week supply of nicotine replacement therapy (gum, lozenges, patches) is also available when you enroll in the adult program.
My Life My Quit (youth program)
Idaho QuitLine (adult program)

Youth Vape Prevention
Youth Vape Prevention
Currently, over 2.5 million middle and high school students in the U.S. use vape (e-cigarette) products. More than 1 in 4 students use vape products every day. Further research shows that over half of youth (currently using vape products) have stated they want to quit, while 33% of youth who currently vape have already tried to quit vaping (at least once) in the last year.
We all strive to keep the youth we care for in our lives and in our communities safe, healthy, and happy. One of the best ways to protect our youth against the dangers of vaping and addiction is through evidence-based preventive education.
CATCH My Breath – A free evidence-based youth vaping prevention program currently being provided by Southwest District Health. The CATCH My Breath program consists of four sessions that are 40-45 minutes in length and tailored to student grade level (5th, 6th, 7th-8th, and 9th-12th).
SWDH staff are trained and ready to implement the CATCH My Breath program with your students! Fill out this form today to schedule a short (10-15 minute) introductory call to reserve a Health Educator for your students.
SWDH staff can also train teachers at your school to implement the CATCH My Breath program with their students.
INDEPTH – A free youth nicotine dependence intervention program from the American Lung Association. INDEPTH serves as an alternative to suspension or citation that helps schools and communities address teen vaping in a more supportive way. The program consists of four sessions, each session is 50 minutes in length.
NOT: Not On Tobacco – Teen-focused vaping/nicotine cessation program The voluntary course contains ten, 50-minute sessions. It is most effective in a small group format (6-10 participants) that emphasizes teamwork. The easy-to-use method helps teens quit by addressing total health to develop and maintain positive behaviors.
- Quit The Hit – Instagram cessation support group.
- This is Quiting – text-based cessation program.
Tobacco Free policies prohibit the use of all tobacco containing or tobacco derived products, smokeless tobacco (snuff, chewing tobacco, dip, snus), and alternative nicotine products such as e-cigarettes and vaping. SWDH in partnership with Project Filter can help your business or community organization develop a tobacco free policy and access free signs to promote your tobacco free environment. These policies are important in helping create a smoke/vape-free environment for your employees, customers, and their families.
Visit us at to find free community health resources that will support your organization, your family, or your coalition!