Measles reported in Idaho resident; public health officials remind Idahoans to protect themselves from highly contagious illness by getting immunized

Measles reported in Idaho resident; public health officials remind Idahoans to protect themselves from highly contagious illness by getting immunized


September 20, 2023 – An adult male with confirmed measles has been reported in southwest Idaho. He was unvaccinated and was exposed during recent international travel. He was hospitalized, and is now recovering at home. During their infectious period, the person spent time at the Boise airport on Sept. 13, and in the Nampa area on Sept. 14 and 15.

Investigation is ongoing, and people who may have been exposed are being notified by Southwest District Health and other local health districts. However, it is possible that some people who were exposed briefly would not have been identified by public health officials.

Vaccination is highly protective against measles illness.

“Measles is an acute, highly contagious viral disease and could quickly spread to others,” said Dr. Christine Hahn, Idaho state epidemiologist and medical director for the Division of Public Health at the Department of Health and Welfare. “Measles can spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing, but also by breathing the contaminated air or touching a surface that has respiratory droplets on it.”

The measles virus can live for up to two hours in an airspace after an infected person leaves the area. Measles is so contagious that if one individual has measles, up to 90% of contacts to that individual who are not immune will also become infected. It can spread for up to four days before and after the rash appears.

If you’ve been exposed to measles, you should call your healthcare provider and monitor for symptoms for 21 days after exposure.

Measles symptoms include fever, runny nose, cough and rash. Although measles is usually considered a childhood disease, it can be contracted at any age. There is no specific treatment for measles.

“The best way to protect yourself and your family against measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases is by immunization,” said Ricky Bowman, epidemiology program manager with Southwest District Health. “Measles can be prevented by the measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine, which protects against all three illnesses. It’s considered to be 97% effective at preventing measles after two doses.”

Children should receive their first dose of measles vaccine between 12 and 15 months of age and another at 4 to 6 years of age. MMR vaccine is generally first given at 12 months of age in the United States but is sometimes recommended for children as young as 6 months who are traveling outside the United States or who could be infected in an outbreak.

People experiencing symptoms of measles should contact their healthcare provider and should not go into clinics, pharmacies, or other healthcare settings without calling ahead so the facility can make preparations to reduce any chance of spread. For more information on measles, visit



The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare is dedicated to strengthening the health, safety, and independence of Idahoans. Learn more at

Central District Health, Public Health District IV, is one of seven public health districts within the state of Idaho, serving the counties of Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley. With a vision of Healthy People in Healthy Communities, CDH’s emphasis is on decreasing risk factors for chronic disease, improving quality of life and increasing the years of healthy life among residents.

Southwest District Health is one of seven public health districts throughout Idaho established to protect and promote the health and wellness of those who live, work, and play in our region. We proudly serve Adams, Canyon, Gem, Owyhee, Payette and Washington Counties. We work in partnership with our community to identify health needs, design solutions, and implement services that encourage behaviors contributing to healthier, longer lives. Learn more at


Media Contacts:

Greg Stahl, Public Information Officer 
Idaho Department of Health & Welfare

Maria Ortega, Public Information Officer 
Central District Health

Monique Evancic, Public Information Officer 
Southwest District Health

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Southwest District Health Launches Assessment & Case Management Program to Support Youth Ages 10-17

YouthROC connects youth and their caregivers with support services in their community.


September 14, 2023 (Caldwell, ID) — Southwest District Health’s newly formed Safe Teen Assessment Program, called the Youth Resource & Opportunity Collaborative, or YouthROC, provides youth, and the trusted adults in their lives, an easy way to find support services and resources during times of need. Through a single-entry point, YouthROC integrates prevention and early intervention services that can help youth improve their health, increase well-being, stay in school, find employment, stay out of crisis, avoid law enforcement and juvenile justice involvement, and help build a stronger emotional foundation for a successful future. The program is provided at no cost to the public thanks to a $1,500,000 grant provided to Southwest District Health in 2022 by the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections.

 Accessing YouthROC is a simple three-step process that can be initiated by youth ages 10-17 or a concerned adult, such as a parent/guardian, doctor, church member, or school employee.

After completing a short questionnaire through the website, the youth (or parent/guardian) will be contacted by a YouthROC provider within 48 hours to complete a quick screening and schedule further assessment with a licensed therapeutic professional. The youth and their parent/guardian will work with a case manager to create an Individualized Care Plan. Assessors and Case managers are provided through several partnering community organizations. These include Advocates Against Family Violence, Boys and Girls Club of Canyon County, Nampa Family Justice Center, and WICAP (Western Idaho Community Action Partnership). Services are free and available in Adams, Canyon, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, and Washington Counties with providers having the ability to move throughout the counties to serve youth and families in need.

YouthROC providers can help facilitate tutoring, enrollment or involvement with extracurricular activities, coordinate transportation to appointments, and provide referrals to other providers. They can also assist with independent living skills such as obtaining an ID card, signing up for driver’s education, job readiness skills and more.

“Growing can be tough, and it’s even harder when you don’t know where to turn, or what resources are out there to help,” says Savannah Swisher, YouthROC Project Manager at Southwest District Health. “YouthROC puts local youth and their families first; making sure they receive support when it’s needed. There are no long wait times, just assistance and encouragement to help youth get back on track.”

YouthROC began accepting referrals in February 2023, and in the first 6 months of service, received referrals for 137 youth, completed 71 behavioral health assessments, and supported 69 youth through case management services. In the month of August alone, YouthROC received 38 new referrals for services and still maintains its capacity to help new youth and families with no wait times or waitlists as the new school year gets underway. Learn more about YouthROC at



Southwest District Health is one of seven public health districts throughout Idaho established to protect and promote the health and wellness of those who live, work, and play in our region. We proudly serve Adams, Canyon, Gem, Owyhee, Payette and Washington Counties. We work in partnership with our community to identify health needs, design solutions, and implement services that encourage behaviors contributing to healthier, longer lives. Learn more at


Media Contact:

Monique Evancic, Public Information Officer 
Southwest District Health

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