Southwest District Health successfully distributes first round of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine received to medical clinic, hospital partners

Southwest District Health successfully distributes first round of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine received to medical clinic, hospital partners
CALDWELL, IDAHO – Southwest District Health staff successfully distributed the initial round of approximately 1,950 doses of Pfizer vaccine received. Vaccine distribution began at 7:00 a.m. this morning and involved coordination with major community partner medical clinics and hospitals from across the six-county region Southwest District Health serves.
Idaho’s vaccine rollout plans instruct local health districts to prioritize vaccine for local hospital staff and outpatient clinic staff who are providing care for COVID-19 patients. Hospital staff are essential for the care of COVID-19 patients and maintaining hospital capacity. After those facilities have been offered the vaccine, the remaining doses will be offered to additional groups following Idaho’s COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (CVAC) recommendations.
The medical clinic and hospital partners who received this first round of vaccine will be responsible for administering the vaccine to their eligible Tier 1 staff. “Providers who picked up the vaccine were so very excited to receive it and be part of vaccine administration in this historic roll out” said Molly Smith, Southwest District Health Training and Exercise Coordinator.
Additional vaccine is expected next week and distribution will involve similar coordination as staff reach out to the region’s providers to ensure accessibility to the vaccine. “I really commend SWDH staff who have worked so hard to go the distance to identify smaller practices and ensure equitable distribution with future vaccine received,” said Clay Roscoe, MD, Southwest District Health Medical Director.
Independent practices that fit within the Phase 1 priority group interested in assistance with the COVID-19 vaccination are invited to reach out to SWDH staff by calling Molly Smith at (208) 455-5372 or TJ Wilson at (208) 455-5326.
Members of the general public seeking COVID-19 vaccinations can watch for updates from Southwest District Health for information about when and where vaccines will be available. It is important to note that there are no governmental entities in Idaho requiring anyone to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. While public health supports the COVID-19 vaccine, individuals can choose whether or not to pursue the vaccine as a protection measure.
For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, including a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, please visit:
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Media Contacts:
Ashley Anderson
Katrina Williams