Southwest District Health shares interim criteria for movement between health alert levels

Southwest District Health shares interim criteria for movement between health alert levels
CALDWELL, IDAHO – Southwest District Health has shared interim criteria for moving between levels of its recently published Southwest District Health COVID-19 Health Alert Level System. The criteria will be used to guide Southwest Distirct Health when making decisions to move counties to a higher or lower alert level. These will be data-driven decisions that aim to provide residents with timely and accurate information. “This system will be an effective tool for our entire community as our residents seek information to minimize their risk of exposure where they live, work, and play,” said Nikole Zogg, Southwest District Health Director. This COVID-19 health alert system is available in English and Spanish at:
Health Alert Levels for each county will be reviewed on Mondays based on the prior two weeks’ data (qualitative and quantitative data points), starting on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday. At least two full weeks will be spent in a Health Alert Level before determinations to move to a lower less severe level (e.g., from High to Medium).
Southwest District Health is also working with schools as they develop and implement plans for the upcoming school year. In addition to consultation with Southwest Distirct Health, schools are using the Idaho Back to School Framework available at: to guide their decisions. The Framework uses level of community disease transmission to assist schools in determining the safest level of operation. Southwest District Health has crosswalked the Framework developed by the State Board of Education with the district’s Health Alert Levels to assist them in their decision making.
To help decision makers, parents, and residents easily use the two systems, Southwest District Health has cross-walked the Idaho Back to school Framework with the COVID-19 Health Alert Level advisory.
Questions may be directed to the SWDH COVID-19 call center Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 208-455-5411. Please refer to for the latest local numbers and data and for statewide information.
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Media Contacts:
Katrina Williams
Ashley Anderson